About Michelle Winckle
Transitioning to the real estate industry felt like finding my tribe. I truly love the pace and dynamism. I thrive on the collective energy that created in this ultra-enthusiastic, dedicated team of ours. Although my mantra is to not look back, I cant help but be proud of where I come from and what I've achieved. Its the reality check that energises me to keep active and in the race.There is always more to accomplish, more records to set, more vendors to thrill. Hayeswinckle is the vehicle for us to take it up another gear, to channel our significant momentum into a Geelong focussed brand springboard from which we can expand regionally.To say its exciting is an understatement. Its truly exhilarating. As long as I continue to experience that amazing buzz from sealing a great deal, from dropping the hammer on a record-breaking auction, I know I'm in the right place. Meanwhile, I'm proving to my five young children that hard work and passion have their own rewards and that nothing is as powerful as believing in yourself.